10boxes*12capsule Xuezhikang Capsules Adjust blood lipid levels new packing
Name: Xue Zhi Kang Package:0.3gX12 capsule Storage:Preserve in tight container,in cool and dry place. Producer:Beijing WBL Biotech Co.,Ltd Main Ingredients: 100% Red Yeast Rice (Hong Qu), obtained through fermentation of premium grains with Monascus strains Direction for Use: Take 2...
$149.96 $50.47
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20boxes*12capsule Xuezhikang Capsules Adjust blood lipid levels new packing
Name: Xue Zhi Kang Package:0.3gX12 capsule Storage:Preserve in tight container,in cool and dry place. Producer:Beijing WBL Biotech Co.,Ltd Main Ingredients: 100% Red Yeast Rice (Hong Qu), obtained through fermentation of premium grains with Monascus strains Direction for Use: Take 2...
$149.95 $97.21
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20boxes*12capsule Xuezhikang Capsules Adjust blood lipid levels new packing
Name: Xue Zhi Kang Package:0.3gX12 capsule Storage:Preserve in tight container,in cool and dry place. Producer:Beijing WBL Biotech Co.,Ltd Main Ingredients: 100% Red Yeast Rice (Hong Qu), obtained through fermentation of premium grains with Monascus strains Direction for Use: Take 2...
$249.95 $97.21
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35boxes*12capsule Xuezhikang Capsules Adjust blood lipid levels new packing
Name: Xue Zhi Kang Package:0.3gX12 capsule Storage:Preserve in tight container,in cool and dry place. Producer:Beijing WBL Biotech Co.,Ltd Main Ingredients: 100% Red Yeast Rice (Hong Qu), obtained through fermentation of premium grains with Monascus strains Direction for Use: Take 2...
$249.95 $146.75
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48boxes*12capsule*0.3g (or 24boxes*24capsule*0.3g) Xuezhikang Capsules Adjust blood lipid levels new packing
Name: Xue Zhi Kang Package:0.3gX12 capsule Storage:Preserve in tight container,in cool and dry place. Producer:Beijing WBL Biotech Co.,Ltd Main Ingredients: 100% Red Yeast Rice (Hong Qu), obtained through fermentation of premium grains with Monascus strains Direction for Use: Take 2...
$349.96 $188.50
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Yufeng Ningxin Pian 0.28gx100Pills/Box同仁堂 愈风宁心片
                                                                  6 Boxes TongRenTang Yufeng Ningxin Pian 0.28gx100Pills/Box同仁堂 愈风宁心片 【组方/成份】     葛根。 【功能与主治】     解痉止痛,增强脑及冠脉血流量。用于高血压头晕,头痛,颈项疼痛,冠心病,心绞痛,神经性头痛,早期突发性耳聋。 【用法用量】     口服。一次5片,一日3次。 【有效期】     36个月 [formula / composition] Pueraria. [function and indications] Relieve spasm and pain, and enhance cerebral and coronary blood flow. For...
$95.83 $49.19
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6 boxes Tongxinluo Capsule 通心络胶囊 0.26g x 30 / box
For angina pectoris in coronary heart disease  [Ingredients] Ginseng, Leech, Scorpion, Red Peony Root, Cicada Slough, Ground Beetle, Centipede, Sandalwood, Rosewood, Frankincense Olibanum(processed), Spine Date Seed (stir-baked), Borneol [Description] Capsules with brown powdered content; odour aromatic and slightly stinking; slightly salty and...
$95.83 $67.88
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999 Zhengtian Wan 三九正天丸
三九正天丸 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期30个月 Item: 999 Zhengtian Wan Quantity/Box: 10 Bags Shelf Life: 30 Months Package Included: 1 Box of 999 Zhengtian Wan  
$49.98 $11.11
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Compound Danshen Dripping Pills/Fu Fang Dan Shen Di Wan (180 Pills/Box)复方丹参滴丸
Compound Danshen Dripping Pills/Fu Fang Dan Shen Di Wan (180 Pills/Box)复方丹参滴丸 Click image to enlarge Description 【Product Name】 Compound Danshen Dripping Pills 【Chinese Name】复方丹参滴丸 【Ingredients】 Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Notoginseng Radix etc. 【Description:】It is supplied as a brown dropping pill, smelling cool and tasting...
$95.83 from $15.62
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Guangjian Huodan Wan 广健霍胆丸
Two types of packaging are randomly shipped. 广健霍胆丸 每盒36克 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Guangjian Huodan Wan Quantity/Box: 36g Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Guangjian Huodan Wan    
$95.26 $9.83
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Su Xiao Jiu Xin Wan 速效救心丸 120丸
规格:速效救心丸120粒装。 主治功能:行气活血,去瘀止痛 ,缓解心绞痛。
$49.98 $18.45
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Tongren Niuhuang Qingxin Wan 3gx6pills/box 同仁堂 同仁牛黄清心丸
[character] this product is a big honey pill with or without gold coating. It is dark brown after removing the gold coating; It is fragrant, sweet and slightly bitter. [action category] this product is brown big honey pill; It is...
$95.83 $19.67
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南京同仁堂 玉米须桑叶葛根牛蒡苦荞荷叶山楂决明子 150g 草本辅助绛三高养生调理茶 Herbal Health Conditioning Tea
南京同仁堂 玉米须桑叶葛根牛蒡苦荞荷叶山楂决明子 150g 草本辅助绛三高养生调理茶 Herbal Health Conditioning Tea Product name: corn stigma mulberry tea   Ingredients: corn stigma, mulberry leaf, pueraria root/Radix Puerariae, burdock tea, Tartary buckwheat, lotus leaf, Hawthorn, cassia seed   Net weight: 150g (5Gx30bags)   Shelf life: 18 months   Tips: This...
$49.96 $8.84
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同仁堂复方丹参片 6盒 TongRenTang Fufang Danshen Pian 0.32gx60片/盒
                                 6 Boxes TongRenTang Fufang Danshen Pian 0.32gx60Pills/Box 同仁堂 复方丹参片 【组方/成份】     丹参、三七、冰片。 【功能与主治】     活血化瘀,理气止痛。用于气滞血瘀所致的胸痹,症见胸闷,心前区刺痛;冠心病心绞痛见上述证候者。 【用法用量】     口服,一次3片,一日3次。 【有效期】     36个月 [formula / composition]...
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同仁堂清眩丸 Tongrentang Qingxuan Wan
同仁堂清眩丸 每盒10丸 1盒装 保质期60个月 Item: Tongrentang Qingxuan Wan Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills Shelf Life: 60 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Qingxuan Wan  
$49.95 $10.81
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天士力养血清脑颗粒 Tianshili Yangxue Qingnao Keli
天士力养血清脑颗粒 每盒15袋 1盒装 保质期30个月 Item: Tianshili Yangxue Qingnao Keli Quantity/Box: 15 Bags Shelf Life: 30 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Tianshili Yangxue Qingnao Keli  
$99.95 $16.72
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寿而慷宁神补心片 Shou'erkang Ningshen Buxin Pian 48片
寿而慷宁神补心片 每盒48片 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Shou‘erkang Ningshen Buxin Pian Quantity/Box: 48 Pills Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Shou‘erkang Ningshen Buxin Pian     
$99.50 $9.83
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白当归干整根中国优质滋补品 Bai Dang Gui Gan Baidangguigan
This kind of ginseng roots are harvest from Changbai mountain (on the border between China and North Korea) which is in dried form (at least 92% dryness), but it also have some side effects. So Please Do Not Overdose, only 2 or...
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铁皮石斛粉 250g Tiepi Shihu Fen
类型:凉茶粉 净重:250g 产地:中国 包装:袋 描述:铁皮石斛,又名石斛,实际上是一种原产于南亚和东南亚的兰花的茎。几个世纪以来,它在中国文化中一直被用作药用。石斛是兰花的一种。该植物由一根细长的茎组成,呈金黄色,末端有一朵花。不同品种的石斛有不同的颜色,但最常见的颜色是黄色和粉红色。茎用于草药。 Type: Herbal Tea Powder Net : 250g Origin: China Packaging: Bag Description: Dendrobium officinale, also named Shih-hu, is actually the stem of an orchid native to South and Southeast Asia. It has been used for...
$49.98 $36.40
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