Baiyunshan Qingkailing Jiaonang 白云山清开灵胶囊
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每盒24粒 1盒装
Item: Baiyunshan Qingkailing Jiaonang
Quantity/Box: 24 Capsules
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Baiyunshan Qingkailing Jiaonang
Baiyunshan Xiaoyan Zhentong Gao 白云山消炎镇痛膏
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每盒10贴 1盒装
Item: Baiyunshan Xiaoyan Zhentong Gao
Quantity/Box: 10 Patches
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Baiyunshan Xiaoyan Zhentong Gao
Chen Ri Xing 舒筋活络油超级止痛 38ml
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规格:每瓶装xx克: 38ml 主要成分: 樟脑、冬青油、薄荷脑、松节油、橄榄油。 功能主治: 祛风、肿痛、跌打、头痛、腰痛、肚痛、筋络。 用法用量: 每日宜用药油数滴,搽上患处3-6次,用指尖在患处最酸痛的部分,进行适当的按摩、指压、推拿、揉按15-20分钟,力度先轻后重,以患者不感到痛苦为宜;如属严重患者或远年旧患,随后再用棉花沾上少许药油,在外热水袋或毛巾敷上,加促血液循环,收效更加。儿童在使用本品前,应咨询中医师或医生意见,使用时避免触及眼睛及粘膜。 禁忌: 不能入眼、外用忌食,不可吸食。 注意事项: 用后如有不良反应或仍未见效,应立即停用并请教医生。两岁以下儿童,孕妇和授乳女仕须遵医生指示方可使用,避免儿童擅自取用。 贮藏方法: 请放置于避光处。 Chan Yat Hing Oil is a is a strong, penetrating liniment that moves stagnation of blood at the injury site....
Chinese Herb Medicine Manyanshuning Qinghou Liyan Granules 慢严舒柠清喉利咽颗粒 8袋急慢性咽喉发炎
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Chinese Herb Manyanshuning Qinghou Liyan Granules
慢严舒柠 清喉利咽颗粒 8袋 急慢性咽喉发炎
from $24.59
Chinese Herb 济民可信金水宝胶囊108粒 补肾补肺止咳腰酸痛支气管炎虫草菌粉 Jimin jin shui bao capsule
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Chinese Herb Jiminkexin jinshuibao capsul 108s/box
中国小吃海外购买中药 济民可信 金水宝胶囊 108粒/盒
Item Description:
Package Includes: 金水宝胶囊108粒/盒
Shelf Life:36 months
Production date: shown on the package
from $47.22
Compound Danshen Dripping Pills/Fu Fang Dan Shen Di Wan (180 Pills/Box)复方丹参滴丸
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Compound Danshen Dripping Pills/Fu Fang Dan Shen Di Wan (180 Pills/Box)复方丹参滴丸 Click image to enlarge Description 【Product Name】 Compound Danshen Dripping Pills 【Chinese Name】复方丹参滴丸 【Ingredients】 Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Notoginseng Radix etc. 【Description:】It is supplied as a brown dropping pill, smelling cool and tasting...
from $15.62
Dezhong Biyankang Pian 德众鼻炎康片
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清热解毒 宣肺通窍 消肿止痛
每盒150片 1盒装
Item: Dezhong Biyankang Pian
Quantity/Box: 150 Tablets
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Dezhong Biyankang Pian
Di'ao Yinhuang Hanpian 地奥银黄含片
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每盒24片 1盒装
Item: Di'ao Yinhuang Hanpian
Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Di'ao Yinhuang Hanpian
Di'ao Yinhuang Hanpian 地奥银黄含片
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每盒24片 1盒装
Item: Di'ao Yinhuang Hanpian
Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Di'ao Yinhuang Hanpian
Dikang Tongqiao Biyan Keli 迪康通窍鼻炎颗粒
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每盒15袋 1盒装
Item: Dikang Tongqiao Biyan Keli
Quantity/Box: 15 Bags
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Dikang Tongqiao Biyan Keli
Dongxin Tianma Toutong Pian 东新天麻头痛片
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每盒48片 1盒装
Item: Dongxin Tianma Toutong Pian
Quantity/Box: 48 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Dongxin Tianma Toutong Pian
Echeng Fufang Chuanxinlian Pian 鹅城复方穿心莲片 100片
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每盒100片 1盒装
Item: Echeng Fufang Chuanxinlian Pian
Quantity/Box: 100 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Echeng Fufang Chuanxinlian Pian
Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli 逢春玄麦甘桔颗粒
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每袋20小包 1袋装
Item: Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli
Quantity/Bag: 20 Small Bags
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Bag of Fengchun Xuanmai Ganjie Keli
Foci Longdan Xiegan Wan 佛慈龙胆泻肝丸
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每盒200丸 1盒装
Item: Foci Longdan Xiegan Wan
Quantity/Box: 200 Pills
Shelf Life: 60 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Foci Longdan Xiegan Wan
Guangyu Donglingcao Pian 广宇冬凌草片
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每盒100片 1盒装
Item: Guangyu Donglingcao Pian
Quantity/Box: 100 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Guangyu Donglingcao Pian
Guojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli 国金复方金银花颗粒
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Guojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Guojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli
He Xing Bai Hua You 和興白花油 20ml
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净含量:每瓶 20ML 功能主治: 暂时缓解下列 症状引起的肌肉和关节的轻微酸痛:一般腰背痛、关节炎、损伤、瘀伤、扭伤。 用法用量: 成人和儿童3岁及以上:取几滴然后轻轻擦到患处不超过3-4次每天。- 3岁以下儿童:请勿使用,请咨询医生。请参考 以上警告,若不依照说明可能会导致危险。 注意事项: 只供外用。 不要使用:伤口上在发炎或受损皮肤使用本产品时:不紧紧包扎避免接触眼睛或粘膜接触。 出现以下症状请停止使用,立即就诊:病情恶化症状持续超过7天症状反复恶心,呕吐,腹部不适,腹泻或皮肤出现皮疹当使用对关节炎的疼痛:疼痛持续了10多天红肿影响12岁以下儿童的症状。 请将此药品放在儿童不能接触的地方,以避免意外中毒。如果吞食,寻求医疗帮助或联系毒物控制中心。 Product Features: Eases travel and motion sickness, alleviates itching resulting from insect and mosquito bites, refreshing with antiseptic properties.Provides relief from...
Hui Hua Wan Ying Zhi Tong Gao 惠华万应止痛膏 60g(30g*2)
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惠华万应止痛膏 30g*2 Electric Medicated Balm is effective in relieving pain associated with backache, arthritis, strains, sprains and bruises. It is effective for temporary pain relief of muscles and joints. This medicated balm is highly effective in penetrating the skin...
Jiangzhong Fufang Caoshanhu Hanpian 江中复方草珊瑚含片
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每盒48片 1盒装
Item: Jiangzhong Fufang Caoshanhu Hanpian
Quantity/Box: 48 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Jiangzhong Fufang Caoshanhu Hanpian
Jianmin Yanhou Pian 健民咽喉片
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每盒16片 1盒装
Item: Jianmin Yanhou Pian
Quantity/Box: 16 Tablets
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Jianmin Yanhou Pian
Kunzhongyao Pugongying Keli 昆中药蒲公英颗粒
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每盒8袋 1盒装
Item: Kunzhongyao Pugongying Keli
Quantity/Box: 8 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Kunzhongyao Pugongying Keli
Kunzhongyao Pugongying Keli 昆中药蒲公英颗粒
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每盒8袋 1盒装
Item: Kunzhongyao Pugongying Keli
Quantity/Box: 8 Bags
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Kunzhongyao Pugongying Keli
Lion's Mane mushroom/Hericium Erinaceus Pian(100 tablets)/Hedgehog Hydnum Fungus
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[character] This product is a sugar coated tablet, which is brown after removing the sugar coating; The gas is slightly fragrant and the taste is slightly bitter. [formula / ingredients] Hericium erinaceus mycelium. [function and indications] Yiqi Yangxue, Fuzheng Peiben....
from $9.83
Lixiao Huanglian Shangqing Wan 立效黄连上清丸
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Lixiao Huanglian Shangqing Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Pills
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Lixiao Huanglian Shangqing Wan
Lixiao Yinqiao Jiedu Wan 立效银翘解毒丸
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每盒10丸 1盒装
Item: Lixiao Yinqiao Jiedu Wan
Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Lixiao Yinqiao Jiedu Wan
Longcheng Lianzhi Xiaoyan Pian 龙城莲芝消炎片
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每盒24片 1盒装
Item: Longcheng Lianzhi Xiaoyan Pian
Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Longcheng Lianzhi Xiaoyan Pian
Natural Ointment Powerful Efficient Relief Headache Muscle Pain Neuralgia Acid Stasis Rheumatism Arthritis Chinese Medicine
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Powerful Efficient Relief Headache Muscle Pain Neuralgia Acid Stasis Rheumatism Arthritis Natural Ointment Chinese Medicine [Main lngredients] Scorpion Venom, rhizoma homalomenae,safflowe, liquid turpentine oil,menthol. [scope of application] S pur pain, sciatica, hemiplegia , muscle aches, sore muscles...
NEW 6 bottles Authentic YunNanBaiYao Yunnan YNBY Baiyao Powder 6 x 4g
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NEW 6 bottles Authentic Yunnan YNBY Baiyao Powder 6 x 4g 云南白药
Please see the instructions for details.
Niu Huang Jiang Ya Wan 牛黄降压丸 10丸/盒
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品 牌:同仁堂
产 地:中国
规 格:1 x 10粒
For high blood-pressure
Please do not take this product with other pain killer or medication.
Statements on these herbal supplement have not been evaluated by the FDA.
No fluorine雲南白藥【云南白药 牙膏90g/2管{留兰香型} Toothpaste Spearmint type】清口气减轻牙龈问题 保护牙齿养护牙龈
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云南白药 牙膏 90g/2管 {留兰香型}
Yunnan Baiyao Toothpaste Spearmint type 90g/2 tube
Net content:45g
Shelf life:1095 days
Nuojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli 诺金复方金银花颗粒
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每盒10袋 1盒装
Item: Nuojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli
Quantity/Box: 10 Bags
Shelf Life: 30 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Nuojin Fufang Jinyinhua Keli
Pianzaihuang Fufang Pianzaihuang Hanpian 复方片仔癀含片
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每盒24片 1盒装
Item: Fufang Pianzaihuang Hanpian
Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Fufang Pianzaihuang Hanpian
Profession Snake Oil itching ointment Remove Scar cream Striae Gravidarum Pigmentation Acne burn cream natural herbal plaster
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Scope of application: for pain caused by cervical pain, frozen shoulder, lumbar pain, knee joint and soft tissue injury. Precautions: The following conditions are disabled. Those who are allergic to this product, Skin ulcer, and wound,...
Qizheng Tiebangchui Zhitong Gao 奇正铁棒锤止痛膏
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每盒5贴 1盒装
Item: Qizheng Tiebangchui Zhitong Gao
Quantity/Box: 5 Patches
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Qizheng Tiebangchui Zhitong Gao
Renhe Qinghuo Jiaonang 仁和清火胶囊
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Item: Renhe Qinghuo Jiaonang
Quantity/Box: 36 Capsules
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Renhe Qinghuo Jiaonang
Renhe Qinghuo Jiaonang 仁和清火胶囊
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Item: Renhe Qinghuo Jiaonang
Quantity/Box: 36 Capsules
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Renhe Qinghuo Jiaonang
Shi Du Qing 30 Pills 玉林湿毒清胶囊
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功能主治: 为补血剂,具有养血润燥,祛风止痒之功效。主治血虚风燥所致的风瘙痒,症见皮肤干燥、脱屑、瘙痒,伴有抓痕、血痂、色素沉着;皮肤瘙痒症见上述证候者。 净 重:30粒。 Description: Main Ingredients: Rehmannia root, Red Sage root, Flavescent Sophora root, Dittany Bark, Angelica sinensis,Radix liquiritiae,Scutellaria baicalensis,etc. Functions: Nourishing the blood, moistening skin, expelling wind and relieving itching. It is suitable for acne, eczema, papules,...
Tai Kang Ding Xi Ya Tong Jiao Nang 泰康丁细牙痛胶囊 Taikang Dingxiyatongjiaonang
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每盒24粒 1盒装
Item: Taikang Dingxi Yatong Jiaonang
Quantity/Box: 24 Capsules
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Taikang Dingxi Yatong Jiaonang
Taikang Dingxi Yatong Jiaonang 泰康丁细牙痛胶囊
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每盒24粒 1盒装
Item: Taikang Dingxi Yatong Jiaonang
Quantity/Box: 24 Capsules
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Taikang Dingxi Yatong Jiaonang
Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao 天和追风膏
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一盒10贴 1盒装
Item: Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao
Quantity/Box: 10 Patches
Shelf Life: 36 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao
Tiantianle Yuanhu Zhitong Pian 天天乐元胡止痛片
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每盒24片 1盒装
Item: Tiantianle Yuanhu Zhitong Pian
Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tiantianle Yuanhu Zhitong Pian
Tiens Cordyceps Capsule Tianshi Enhanced Immunity 100% Original
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Tiens Cordyceps Capsules 100% Authentic New produce Date Main raw material : Cordyceps mycelium powder Efficacy composition and content : 0.5g * 100 tablets/bottle; per 100 grams : adenosine ≥ 0.15 g: the mannitol ≥ 6g Health Function : immunomodulatory , anti-fatigue Suitable...
Tongrentang Kouqiang Kuiyang San 同仁堂口腔溃疡散
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每盒6瓶 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Kouqiang Kuiyang San
Quantity/Box: 6 Bottles
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Kouqiang Kuiyang San
TongRenTang Niuhuang JieDu Pian 同仁堂牛黄解毒片 120粒
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规格: 120粒. 作用: 清热解毒、火热内盛、咽喉肿痛、牙根肿痛、口舌生疮、目赤肿痛。 服用方法: 口服,一次3片,一日2次~3次 警告: 孕妇禁用!应置于小孩伸手不及之处。 储存: 避免日光直射,并栓好存于湿气少之阴凉场所。 Niu Huang Jie Du Pian is a popular ans well known herbal supplement that ia useful in the health of the inner ear,mouth teeth,throat,ans salivary glands,and the gastrointestinal and...
Tongrentang Niuhuang Shangqing Wan (6G X 10 Pills) 同仁堂牛黄上清丸
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Function: Helps detox body, canker sores, toothache, and constipation.* Directions:1 big honeyed pill each time, twice a day. *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent...
Tongrentang Qiguanyan Wan 同仁堂气管炎丸
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每盒300粒 1盒装
Item: Tongrentang Qiguanyan Wan
Quantity/Box: 300 Pills
Shelf Life: 48 Months
Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Qiguanyan Wan