6 Boxes TongRenTang SISHEN WAN 27g/Box 同仁堂 四神丸
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6 Boxes TongRenTang SISHEN WAN 27g/Box 同仁堂 四神丸 【成份】肉豆蔻(煨)、补骨脂(盐炒)、五味子(醋制) 吴茱萸(制)、大枣(去核) 【性状】本品为浅褐色至褐色的水丸;气微香,味苦、咸而带酸,辛。 [功能主治】温肾散寒,涩肠止泻。用于肾阳不足所致的泄泻,症见肠鸣腹胀、五更溏泻、食少不化、久泻不止、面黄肢冷, 【用法用量】口服。一次9g,一日1~2次 [有效期】36个月 [ingredients] nutmeg (simmered), Psoralea (salted), Schisandra chinensis (vinegar), Evodia rutaecarpa (prepared), jujube (enucleated) 【 properties 】 this product is light brown to brown water pill; It is slightly fragrant, bitter, salty, sour and pungent. [main...
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6 Boxes TongRenTang SISHEN WAN 27g/Box 同仁堂 四神丸
【成份】肉豆蔻(煨)、补骨脂(盐炒)、五味子(醋制) 吴茱萸(制)、大枣(去核)
【性状】本品为浅褐色至褐色的水丸;气微香,味苦、咸而带酸,辛。 [功能主治】温肾散寒,涩肠止泻。用于肾阳不足所致的泄泻,症见肠鸣腹胀、五更溏泻、食少不化、久泻不止、面黄肢冷, 【用法用量】口服。一次9g,一日1~2次 [有效期】36个月 [ingredients] nutmeg (simmered), Psoralea (salted), Schisandra chinensis (vinegar), Evodia rutaecarpa (prepared), jujube (enucleated)
【 properties 】 this product is light brown to brown water pill; It is slightly fragrant, bitter, salty, sour and pungent. [main indications] warm the kidney, dispel cold, astringe the intestines and stop diarrhea. It is used for diarrhea caused by deficiency of kidney yang. Symptoms include bowel ringing, abdominal distension, loose diarrhea in the fifth shift, lack of food, continuous diarrhea for a long time, yellow face and cold limbs, [usage and dosage] oral. 9g once, 1 ~ 2 times a day [validity period] 36 months |