LOTUS Clear away the plague and detoxify cough acute respiratory release the lung and heat
Product description: (Copy Manual from the manufacturer)
[Brand] YILING
[Manufacturer] Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd
[Name] Lianhua Qingwen Jiaonang
[Ingredients] Weeping Forsythia Capsule, Japanese Honeysuckle Flower, Ephedra Herb(honey-fried), Bitter Apricot Seed(stir-baked), Gypsum, Isatis Root, Male Fern Rhizome, Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb, Cablin Patchouli Herb, Rhubarb, Bigflower Rhodiola Root, Menthol, Liquorice Root. Excipient: Starch.
[Description] Capsules, containing tan to brown granules and powders; odour, slightly aromatic; taste slightly bitter.
[Strength] 0.35g/Capsule
[Administration and Dosage] For oral administration, 4 capsules once, 3 times daily.
[Package] Aluminium-plastic blister package. (24 Capsules/Box)
[Functions and Indications] Clear heat and detoxify, remove lung hotness. Used in treatment of epidemic influenza and lung heat, symptom as fever or high fever, aversion to cold, muscular soreness, rhinostegnosis and nasal discharge, or yellow or greasy fur of tongue.
[Storage] Preserve in tightly closed containers, stored in a cool and dry place (≤20℃)
[Shelf life] 30 Months (Expiry Date:≥25 Months)
[Adverse Reactions],[Contraindications] and [Precautions] and so on are detailed in the leaflet