6 Boxes TongRenTang Pifubing Xuedu Wan 同仁堂 皮肤病血毒丸
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Pifubing Xuedu Wan 同仁堂 皮肤病血毒丸 【组方/成份】 茜草、桃仁、荆芥穗(炭)、蛇蜕(酒炙)、赤芍、当归、白茅根、地肤子、苍耳子(炒)、地黄、连翘、金银花、苦地丁、土茯苓、黄柏、皂角刺、桔梗、益母草、苦杏仁(去皮炒)、防风、赤茯苓、白芍、蝉蜕、牛蒡子(炒)、牡丹皮、白鲜皮、熟地黄、大黄(酒炒)、忍冬藤、紫草、土贝母、川芎(酒炙)、甘草、白芷、天葵子、紫荆皮、鸡血藤、浮萍、红花。 【功能与主治】 清血解毒,消肿目痒。用于经络不和,温热血燥引起的风疹,温疹,皮肤刺痒,雀斑粉刺,面赤鼻齄,疮疡肿毒,脚气疥癣,头目眩晕,大便燥结。 【用法用量】 口服。一次20粒,一日2次。 【有效期】 36个月 [formula / composition] Rubia, peach kernel, Schizonepeta tenuifolia (charcoal), snake molting (roasted with wine), red peony, Angelica sinensis, white grass root, radix rehmanniae, Xanthium sibiricum (fried), Rehmannia glutinosa, forsythia,...
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Pifubing Xuedu Wan 同仁堂 皮肤病血毒丸
茜草、桃仁、荆芥穗(炭)、蛇蜕(酒炙)、赤芍、当归、白茅根、地肤子、苍耳子(炒)、地黄、连翘、金银花、苦地丁、土茯苓、黄柏、皂角刺、桔梗、益母草、苦杏仁(去皮炒)、防风、赤茯苓、白芍、蝉蜕、牛蒡子(炒)、牡丹皮、白鲜皮、熟地黄、大黄(酒炒)、忍冬藤、紫草、土贝母、川芎(酒炙)、甘草、白芷、天葵子、紫荆皮、鸡血藤、浮萍、红花。 【功能与主治】 清血解毒,消肿目痒。用于经络不和,温热血燥引起的风疹,温疹,皮肤刺痒,雀斑粉刺,面赤鼻齄,疮疡肿毒,脚气疥癣,头目眩晕,大便燥结。 【用法用量】 口服。一次20粒,一日2次。 【有效期】 36个月 [formula / composition]
Rubia, peach kernel, Schizonepeta tenuifolia (charcoal), snake molting (roasted with wine), red peony, Angelica sinensis, white grass root, radix rehmanniae, Xanthium sibiricum (fried), Rehmannia glutinosa, forsythia, honeysuckle, Sophora flavescens, tuckahoe, Phellodendri chinensis, saponin thorn, Platycodon grandiflorum, motherwort, bitter almond (peeled and fried), Fangfeng, red Poria cocos, white peony, cicada molting, Burdock (fried), peony skin, white fresh skin, cooked Rehmannia glutinosa, rhubarb (fried with wine), honeysuckle vine Arnebia, Fritillaria thunbergii, Ligusticum chuanxiong (roasted with wine), licorice, Angelica dahurica, Tiankui seed, Bauhinia peel, Caulis Spatholobi, duckweed and safflower. [function and indications] Clear blood and detoxify, reduce swelling and itching. It is used for rubella, warm rash, skin itching, freckles and acne, red face and nose, sores, swollen poison, beriberi, scabies, dizziness of the head and dry stool caused by disharmony of meridians, warm blood dryness. [usage and dosage] Oral. 20 capsules at a time, twice a day. [validity period] 36 months |