100% Pure Polygonal Odor Solomon's Seed Seal Root Powder Chinese Herbs 8.8oz
Introduction: Polygonatum Odoratum or Yuzhu known luxuriantly, it is a perennial herb, high 40 ~ 65cm. Stems longitudinal edges. Leaves alternate, elliptic or narrowly elliptic. Apex blunt. Inflorescence axillary, flowers 1-3, growers up to 8; peduncle length 1 ~ 1.5cm; perianth tubular, long 1.5 ~ 2cm, 6 lobes, white or yellow-green tip; stamens 6, filaments nearly smooth to papillae. Blue-black when ripe berries. Flowering from April to May, the fruit of 8 to 10 months. Fall excavation, removal of fibrous roots, wash, drying to a soft after repeated rubbing, drying until no hard core, dried; after steaming thoroughly, knead until translucent, sun-dried. Yuzhu with Yin, moistening, Chufan, thirst and other effects. Yuzhu in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" is called the top grade, young and old Safe, its tonic effect can be compared with ginseng, astragalus. Modern medical research also shows that the human body contains Yuzhu health effects of various glycosides and amino acids, zinc, manganese and other nutrients, protect the heart, blood vessels, clean up garbage in vivo, anti-aging effects. Product of China