同仁堂牛黄降压丸 6盒 TongRenTang Niuhuang Jiangya Wan
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Niuhuang Jiangya Wan 同仁堂 牛黄降压丸 【组方/成份】 羚羊角、珍珠、水牛角浓缩粉、人工牛黄、冰片、白芍、党参、黄芪、决明子、川芎、黄芩提取物、甘松、薄荷、郁金。辅料为蜂蜜。 【功能与主治】 清心化痰,平肝安神。用于心肝火旺、痰热壅盛所致的头晕目眩、头痛失眠、烦躁不安;高血压病见上述证候者。 【用法用量】 口服。大蜜丸一次1-2丸,一日1次。 【有效期】 60个月 [formula / composition] Antelope horn, pearl, buffalo horn concentrated powder,...
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6 Boxes TongRenTang Niuhuang Jiangya Wan 同仁堂 牛黄降压丸
羚羊角、珍珠、水牛角浓缩粉、人工牛黄、冰片、白芍、党参、黄芪、决明子、川芎、黄芩提取物、甘松、薄荷、郁金。辅料为蜂蜜。 【功能与主治】 清心化痰,平肝安神。用于心肝火旺、痰热壅盛所致的头晕目眩、头痛失眠、烦躁不安;高血压病见上述证候者。 【用法用量】 口服。大蜜丸一次1-2丸,一日1次。 【有效期】 60个月
[formula / composition]
Antelope horn, pearl, buffalo horn concentrated powder, artificial bezoar, borneol, white peony, Codonopsis pilosula, astragalus, cassia seed, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Scutellaria baicalensis extract, Korean pine, mint and turmeric. The auxiliary material is honey. [function and indications] Clearing the heart and resolving phlegm, calming the liver and calming the mind. It is used for dizziness, headache, insomnia and irritability caused by excessive heart and liver fire and phlegm heat; Hypertension with the above syndrome. [usage and dosage] Oral. Big honey pills 1-2 pills once a day. [validity period] 60 months